Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Biostats is Calling my Name.

But instead I am writing this blog post.
The post-op period has been rough. More so on my psyche than on my body. Cabin fever was getting the best of me. School's bringing me down, but being absent from school is (yikes) worse. I'm back in classes this week - I have my first one tonight. Very much looking forward to (the social interaction that goes along with attending) class.

But, more exciting than class (let's hope), is the fact that I biked 15 miles today!!! I went to the gym three times last week and biked at a low resistance for 20 or 30 minutes each time. Sunday I went to the gym and did the cross-trainer for 20 minutes - jogging, or maybe the idea of jogging, is still a bit painful. I'm hoping to be there by next week, though. Today I biked at my normal speed and at a pretty heavy resistance for an hour and I feel great! I have my last post-op appointment with my surgeon today so I'm hoping that he'll clear me for more activity.

I'm back to following my training schedule - minus swims and subbing out running for cross-training, at least through the weekend. It's my plan to head to the pool for swim practice on Saturday morning, even if I'm in the slow lane using the kickboard so that I'm not straining my upper body too much, I'd like to get back in the pool. Also, this coming Saturday is our first clinic on transitioning - the next step in our training. Going from Swimming to biking and biking to running. Starting in two weeks, 1-2 workouts a week will turn into "brick workouts", meaning that we'll go directly from one sport to the next. Eesh.

My fingers are also crossed that my doc gives me the thumbs up to resume bootcamp on the 6th of April. I had such a good experience in February and I'm really hoping that I can do the April camp. If any of you are in JP and looking for an amazing work-out with an amazing trainer, I HIGHLY recommend Jackie Pezzolesi. You can visit her website at www.jpfitnessfitcamp.com.

Sorry for the lameness of this post. I had to play a game of catch up, though, since I haven't posted in some time. More interesting posts are on the way, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Honey, I read your Blog again and just wanted to say once again how proud I am of you, your commitment, and your accomplishment. Your training has been hard but so very rewarding. You've gone through major surgery and are back at training. Your fear of losing everything that you had gained because of your surgery, did not come to pass. You're in great shape (remember what the nurses said of you). You're quite an amazing young woman. Reading about Ki brought back many fond memories. Dad and I are routing for you and Joe in this endeavor. We're proud of both of you. Love, Mom.
