Sunday, March 29, 2009

Times are Tough.

This is my training blog. And I want to keep it that way. But for one brief post, I must make a fundraising appeal to you, my dedicated reading audience. Joe and I have committed (and by committed, I mean we have given our credit card number and if we don't meet our goal, we will owe owe owe) to raising $5,400. That's a lot of money. We are very very very aware that times are difficult for just about everybody. Expendable income has become less expendable and we've all had to tighten our belts when it comes to the *extra* stuff that we get to do with our money.


That being said, I'd like to remind you all that though times are tough, though the future of your 401k is unsure, though you are entering into repayment on your $250,000 of law school loans, though your kid is starting college in the fall, though your wallet is looking a little thin, though your root canal is going to have to wait...chances are, you are not suffering from a blood cancer. But you probably know someone who has.


Please. Please. Please.
Take a moment to visit our fundraising page and make a contribution.

Please. Please. Please.
Do it now. We always have the good notion to go and donate - but we'll do it later. Because our debit card is in our purse which is in the other room. Because we want to know more about the organization that we're donating to. Because the world is going to end if dinner isn't on the table in 20 minutes.

Please. Get up. Get your credit card. Visit the LLS website. Dinner can wait an extra 4 minutes.


Whether your contribution is $5 or $50. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE AND WE APPRECIATE IT TREMENDOUSLY.

So broke law students, have one less beer and give us $5. Or skip the appetizer next week when you go out to dinner and give us $10.

Times are tough, but it's a lovely day to save a life.
Please. Please. Donate.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Biostats is Calling my Name.

But instead I am writing this blog post.
The post-op period has been rough. More so on my psyche than on my body. Cabin fever was getting the best of me. School's bringing me down, but being absent from school is (yikes) worse. I'm back in classes this week - I have my first one tonight. Very much looking forward to (the social interaction that goes along with attending) class.

But, more exciting than class (let's hope), is the fact that I biked 15 miles today!!! I went to the gym three times last week and biked at a low resistance for 20 or 30 minutes each time. Sunday I went to the gym and did the cross-trainer for 20 minutes - jogging, or maybe the idea of jogging, is still a bit painful. I'm hoping to be there by next week, though. Today I biked at my normal speed and at a pretty heavy resistance for an hour and I feel great! I have my last post-op appointment with my surgeon today so I'm hoping that he'll clear me for more activity.

I'm back to following my training schedule - minus swims and subbing out running for cross-training, at least through the weekend. It's my plan to head to the pool for swim practice on Saturday morning, even if I'm in the slow lane using the kickboard so that I'm not straining my upper body too much, I'd like to get back in the pool. Also, this coming Saturday is our first clinic on transitioning - the next step in our training. Going from Swimming to biking and biking to running. Starting in two weeks, 1-2 workouts a week will turn into "brick workouts", meaning that we'll go directly from one sport to the next. Eesh.

My fingers are also crossed that my doc gives me the thumbs up to resume bootcamp on the 6th of April. I had such a good experience in February and I'm really hoping that I can do the April camp. If any of you are in JP and looking for an amazing work-out with an amazing trainer, I HIGHLY recommend Jackie Pezzolesi. You can visit her website at

Sorry for the lameness of this post. I had to play a game of catch up, though, since I haven't posted in some time. More interesting posts are on the way, I promise.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reasons for Racing.

Some visual inspiration...
More later.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's the Greatest Nation in the world? DO-NATION!

What's the greatest city in the world? GENERO-CITY!

That's all I'm going to say about that.
At least for now.

Surgery or Bust

I went to the gym twice yesterday. Doubled up. Run in the morning, bike in the evening. I'm feeling lots of different things today. My impending surgery has me all excited, but in the midst of that excitement there's also a lot of anxiety.

But not about the normal things that one feels anxious about when on the eve of invasive surgery. I think general anesthesia is fun, so no worries there. I've been known to fall asleep while getting tattooed - the pain is something that I have no doubt I can handle. And as this is technically an *elective* procedure, I'm actually really, really excited for the results.

No, no, it's none of these things that are bothering me. I'm anxious that over the next few weeks of recovery, I will lose most everything that I have worked so hard over the past few months to accomplish. I'm nervous that the 35lbs that I have worked so hard to lose will miraculously find their way back to my gut. I'm nervous that despite my brand new and improved (and pain free) rack, I'm going to have lost all of the endurance that I've worked so hard to build and I won't be able to run. I'm nervous that I'll lose my drive. My desire to do this. I'm scared that the next 5 weeks are going to be super long and I won't know where to begin when I am able to fully resume my training.


You know what? I just thought about Reid kicking cancer in the face and it made me remember that this isn't so bad. If Reid can bring cancer to its knees begging for its mama, then I can totally get back on a bike in 4 weeks.

This is what I do.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cassie Jellolegs

1 hour of strength training + 2.5 miles on the treadmill + A solid mile at Stop and Shop*(All before 9am)^Recovering from a stomach virus = Jello Legs

Psh. And I've always sucked at math.

The best part? Jello legs aside, I feel freaking awesome. Sun is shining. It's Friday. I have been wicked productive and it's only 11am!!

Today was the last day of February FitCamp. I'm a little sad that it's over, actually, but my surgeon said that I'll most likely be able to participate in April FitCamp, so I am looking forward to that. 13 days till my surgery! WHOOT!

Tomorrow is my first swim practice with the team. We'll see how that goes...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow My Awesome Blog

To the right of the blog posts, you'll see a link. It says "Follow this Blog". CLICK IT! Become a fan of my blog. Follow it. Check it often. I promise it won't let you down.